
Brainwashed Romance

My day was... brainwashed
Yes I like the millions of other fools out there fell for the greatest prank on the US consumer sense Secretary's Day. Once again I gave it another shot and once again I have been left disappointed. Which is sort of ironic being that I intentionally planned on not planning anything this year. Long story short V'day is for v's not for me's...

On the big V'day this year, I thought about relationships...
...The most horrifying couple I know of has got to be Doug Hutchison/Courtney Stodden. Where is Chris Hansen when you need him
...No one can prevent attraction, except my boyfriend of course :/?
...Troubled times do come and when they do the fantasy of being a baby is defiantly appealing (take that how ever you want)

The little angel on my shoulder amends my thoughts most virtuously


Ego is a Midnight Beast

My day was... getting there
I feel like everything Im doing these days is all about trying to get somewhere but never reaching my destination point.

On this valentines eve, I thought about my ego verses my education...
...Ive been educated to be nice and discrete rather then seeking to be observed and seen as kind
...I know my ego makes me say I'm sorry rather then being, and ask for things rather then wait
...Besides my fam, boy and BOB the only other person I really want to protect is, myself. Is that egotistical? ...

My father once told me to not to sit so close to the t.v. (thanks for the advice dad)


Feels like its going to be Neon Indian summer

My weekend was... costly
I've beat the odds! Even though Im the spawn of 2 addicts its seems as though I went 28 years with little to no addictions. That is until Groupon entered my life. With the number of peels, laser removals, and detox's I've bought in the last year you'd think I would look like Amanda Lepore by now.

On the hottest winter weekend of 2012, I spent 50% of my days on the phone with costumer service (thought I'd share that special moment with you, my closest of friends)...
...What they said: Let me see what I can do
...What I heard: You wish
...What they said: Do you mind holding the line?
...What I heard: I really dont want to deal
...What they said: I cannot answer that question
...What I heard: *White noise* then the thought that I should be doing something else that is more productive then configuring my 401k and IRA set up for the next 15years came to mind, so I erased all the mediocre contacts from my Instagram, good bye lifesavers101 #muchmoreproductive

I can linger in the here and now for a dangerous amount of time


I'm-A Ruin You Cunt

My day was... end-less
Just like my life. Endlessly annoying! Does there really have to be a hidden tax for everything!!! Ugh this place, killin me.

On the first TGIF of this month, I had a who, what, why train of thought...
...Who can you really rely on: Besides myself? No one
...What is really important: Being on time, as minor as that seems. I HATE waiting
...Why on your death bed would you make one last phone call: For one reason and one reason only to call Pope Benedict even if its only to his voicemail (last ditch effort to get through those pearly white gates)

Theres no such thing as being too calm to not be nervous